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[Product Updates] Fresh New Changes for a Fresh New Season

  • UPDATED: 20 July 2023
  • 4 minread
[Product Updates] Fresh New Changes for a Fresh New Season

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Is it just us, or do you also feel like the year just began? It seems unbelievable that it’s already March. The weather is changing, and people are forgetting their new year’s resolutions. It’s just that time of the year—so we thought we’d freshen it up a little with some great new product updates. Read on to find out, but here’s a quick gist:

Adapting to the iOS 15 updates

With the latest iOS 15 update, Apple has announced changes in push notifications aimed at helping customers stay focused and avoid unnecessary interruptions. We’ve now updated our products to adapt to these changes:

Apple’s update What is MoEngage doing about this?
New ‘Focus’ mode: Focus mode is a new feature that filters notifications and apps based on the customer’s focus. To reduce distractions, customers can set a custom Focus or a suggested Focus like Work or Sleep. The platform will enable you to set the notification interruption level for the campaigns you create.
Notifications summary: Notifications from a specific app can be delivered as a summary at a pre-set time in the day. This is to reduce the interruptions from active notifications during the day. The platform will enable you to set the Relevance Score, between 0 and 1, for the notifications you trigger. Accordingly, a notification with the highest relevance score will be displayed on the top among the notifications from your app.
iOS 15 updates
Notification summary and Focus Modes in action

Learn more about the iOS 15 update here.

Say goodbye to copy-paste with Content Blocks

Marketers often reuse content across cross-channel campaigns. Manually copy-pasting and using this content gets tedious and wastes time and effort. MoEngage’s Content Blocks allows you to manage your reusable, cross-channel content in a single, centralized location. It lets you seamlessly reuse content across all messaging channels—email, push, in-app messages, and more.

Reuse content with content blocks
Content Block repository

With the new Content Blocks, you can:

  1. Create pre-defined assets to be used across multiple campaigns
  2. Edit multiple campaigns at the same time by simply updating the content blocks

Learn more about content updates here.

Send interactive emails with AMP

Email marketing has continued to claim its fame in engaging and delivering the best ROI. However, static read-only mails are passé and witness poor conversions already. Customers today expect a much more personalized and interactive experience, just like an app. AMP emails enable that.

Send interactive emails
Interactive AMP Emails

With the Mailmodo <> MoEngage integration enabling AMP emails, you can do all of the following from within the platform:

  1. Create customer segments as the audience for your email
  2. Personalize and use dynamic email templates powered by Mailmodo
  3. Trigger AMP email campaigns
  4. Analyze campaign performance stats

Learn more


Adding new statuses in Flow

We introduced two new statuses to Flows – “Scheduled” and “Completed” to help you quickly orchestrate omnichannel campaigns for your customers.

  • Scheduled: When the flow is published, and customer entry is scheduled at a defined date and time in the future.
  • Completed: When all your customers have entered and exited the flow, i.e., there are no active flow trips in the flow

While at it, we also renamed the “Published” status to “Active” for all flows. With these revisions, the new flow lifecycle looks as seen below.

Set a new status in your Flow
The new flow lifecycle

We are enabling this phase-wise, so these changes will automatically reflect once enabled for you. Learn more

New additional metrics to analyze campaigns

To help you gauge the performance of your campaigns even better, we have added additional metrics to the campaign analysis section for the key channels. Now you can instantly analyze delivery rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates for push, SMS, and email campaigns. For connector campaigns, you can explore success rates and conversion rates.

Email Campaign Analytics
Campaign analytics for Email Campaign

Learn more

Revamped reports for better insights

We’ve upgraded our report builder to strengthen your understanding of key customer insights. Our revamped reports come with an enhanced structure and format and will enable you to:

  1. Configure the periodicity of the reports – daily/weekly/monthly, etc.
  2. Set up multiple reports based on your use cases
  3. Configure the file structure as per your choice, i.e., file name, file types, file formats, column names, and custom column
  4. Customize reports with additional selections such as locale and variation level breakdown, aggregate vs. custom range stats, etc.
  5. Get better readability of the column names.
Better reporting capabilities
Updated report format and content page

The new reports will replace any older “Daily reports” you’ve configured. Additionally, the existing “Basic reports” will also transform to the latest reporting structure and format.

Please note, any automation done on the older reports might not work anymore. Those scripts need to be revised and reconfigured for the newer reports. Learn more about the new reports here.

Try out the new updates

If you’d like to know more about these product updates or want to get started using them, drop us a note at [email protected]. And if you’re new to MoEngage, schedule a personalized walkthrough of our platform.