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An Intelligent Path Optimizer To A/B Test Your Customer Journey Workflows [New Feature]

  • UPDATED: 21 November 2023
  • 4 minread
An Intelligent Path Optimizer To A/B Test Your Customer Journey Workflows [New Feature]

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Today’s consumers interact with brands in ways that are tricky to pin down. A recent study shows that 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience. To intelligently build, optimize, and scale a good customer journey that doesn’t oversell but builds authentic relationships with your customers, you need to truly understand them.

Good customer experiences are important
Customers value great customer experiences

You may wonder why a customer spends so long browsing your catalogs and adding products to their cart, just to close the tab at the end, or why it takes them several steps to get from Point A to Point B (when it should only take one).

So how do you design the most engaging journey for your customer?

Until now, you’d either guess what could be the most engaging journey for your customers or test out multiple journeys to arrive at the answer. Well, it can be easier than this. We at MoEngage have been hard at work to make this easy for you!

Introducing Intelligent Path Optimizer

With A/B testing in Flows, you can experiment with multiple customer journeys within a single Flow instead of creating different flows for all possible customer journeys. Better yet, with Intelligent Path Optimizer, you can leverage MoEngage’s AI-powered recommendation engine, SHERPA, to automatically (and intelligently) identify the best journey for your customers!

With these new updates to Flows, you can now effortlessly identify:

  • The best performing channel to increase engagement or conversions. For example, do emails work better than push notifications to convey exciting offers?
The best performing channel
Test which medium works best with Intelligent Path Optimizer
  • The best messaging frequency. For example, should you send the first cart recovery email in 30 mins or after 2 hours?
The best messaging frequency
How long should you wait before you send the next campaign?
  • The best messaging sequence. For example, should we start with Push and then move to Email in a browse abandonment series, or do the opposite?
The best messaging sequence
Test which sequence of campaigns works best with Intelligent Path Optimizer

This way, when you create customer journeys that best resonate with your target audience, the opportunity to convert every customer experience into a great one is immeasurable!

Bonus Content:

What you can test with this feature

Here are a few revenue-driving customer experiences you might want to get to testing right off the bat:

  • Create better onboarding experiences
    Getting your onboarding right is key to kicking off loyal customer relationships. Set up different onboarding or sign-up Flows and test how many emails it takes to convert, what types of offers work best, or what recommendations resonate with your customers the most.
  • Reduce cart or content abandonments
    Never let another customer slip away from your cart or content. Test out different abandonment Flows and figure out the most effective ways to recapture abandoned carts or readers. Understand which combination of multi-channel communication helps retrieve customers and revenue.
  • Improve conversion rates
    While it’s great to have people poking around your website, how do you get them to make the purchase? It is critical to keep the conversation going even after they click away from the page. Start testing campaigns, from the inbox to Instagram, and find out which path turns more window shoppers into customers.
  • Drive long-term retention
    The customer experience doesn’t end when a customer’s signed up. You need to stay in their mind space to drive long-term retention and loyalty. Figure out the best way to do so by testing things like thank-you campaigns, next-sell ad campaigns, product recommendations in emails, and periodic check-ins.

Are you ready to intelligently A/B test the experiences you give your customers?



A quick note for you

We’re excited to launch this and more at MoEngage Next, a customer-connect event about product launches. Check it out!

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