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Introducing Folder Forecast for Gmail – Industry-First Solution For Targeted Email Delivery

  • UPDATED: 01 September 2022
  • 2 minread
Introducing Folder Forecast for Gmail – Industry-First Solution For Targeted Email Delivery

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s been a while since Gmail introduced a tabbed version of the inbox, but the infamous “Promotions tab” still haunts marketers even today. Nobody likes it when their efforts end up among dozens of promotional emails, yet that’s where the emails so often land.

But, wait! Do you really have to worry about your emails landing in the promotions tab?
As much as you want to hear ‘No’, that can’t be the answer. We have numbers speaking the truth.

In the chart below, we see that Promotions has an Inbox Placement Rate (IPR) of 84.5% and as low a Read Rate as 19.2%.

Source: Smart Insights

This tells us that out of all the promotional emails, in the folder, only 19% are read. That means, nearly 81% of marketing emails will be simply deleted/unread. So if you land in the Promotions tab, chances of getting read are very slim.

Hence, it is important for you to stay out of your users’ promotions or spam tabs and instead ensure that your emails end up in their Primary Inbox tab.

How MoEngage can help – Introducing Folder Forecast for Gmail

At MoEngage, we launched an industry-first feature that would predict the likelihood of your emails landing in the Primary, Promotions or Updates folder of your user’s Gmail.

This tool analyses your emails based on certain factors such as the content of your email, your engagement history with a particular user, the reputation of your domain and more.

Based on the projection, you can make the necessary changes to the content and have a better chance of reaching your user’s primary inbox tab. Since this is done before sending the actual campaign, you can avoid missing crucial opportunities.

Feel like giving Folder Forecast for Gmail a go? Request a demo today!


Note: This feature is currently in closed beta. If you are an existing customer of MoEngage and wish to have this enabled for you, write to us on [email protected].