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[Product Updates] The Latest Feature Announcements and Updates from Jan and Feb 2023

  • UPDATED: 15 June 2023
  • 4 minread
[Product Updates] The Latest Feature Announcements and Updates from Jan and Feb 2023

Reading Time: 4 minutes

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou (Civil rights activist)

This quote perfectly captures the essence of customer engagement and the power of creating meaningful connections with your customers. At MoEngage, we understand the significance of customer engagement and are constantly working to help you build those connections. We’re excited to announce that our team has been tirelessly developing new features to help you ace your customer engagement efforts.

Here’s a quick highlight:

  1. New SDK to support opt-ins for Android 13
  2. Say hello to the much-awaited Resubscribe API
  3. Creating segments is more seamless than ever
  4. New entry and scheduling setting in Flows
  5. Keeping up with Android 12 template changes
  6. Introducing Analyze for Segmentation

New SDK to Support Opt-ins for Android 13

This is an image of a new SDK update

With Android 13, apps must request their customers to opt-in to receive push notifications from the brand.

To help you with the Android 13 changes and drive opt-ins for push notifications, we have released a new Android 13 SDK that equips you to:

  • Get higher opt-ins with two-step opt-ins and self-handled opt-in methods.
  • Analyze push permission opt-in status as a customer attribute.
  • Analyze the reachability of push notifications.
  • Improve delivery funnel accuracy by excluding opt-outs.

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Say Hello to the Much-awaited Resubscribe API

This is an image of the resubscribe API update

MoEngage resubscribe API lets you simultaneously resubscribe customers who had previously unsubscribed on both MoEngage and an external email vendor platform.

With this feature, you can reset the customer preferences on MoEngage and simultaneously, with a single API call, send a call to your Email Service Provider (ESP) such as SendGrid (and others), to remove the email address from their suppression list. This helps you save time and reduce manual efforts by resubscribing customers on multiple environments with a single API call.

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Creating Segments is More Seamless than Ever

This is an image of seamless updates to segment

We have introduced new features to make your customer segmentation experience richer and simpler. Here’s everything you need to know:

  • New All Segments Page: Get a unified view of all the custom segments created or imported into MoEngage on one page. Perform the desired action or navigate to the details page for each segment with just a click.
  • File Segment: Upload a file and create a File segment from the All Segments page. You can also view the status of the file being uploaded. You can also add, remove and replace customers from an existing File segment.
  • New Segment Details page: View, edit history, reachability count, sample customers, and do much more for each segment.

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New Entry and Scheduling Setting in Flows

This is an image about the update to Flows on entry and scheduling

New entry settings for Flows give you greater control over your omnichannel customer journeys, enabling you to specify the entry criteria, date, and time when customers can start engaging with your flow:

  1. On Event Trigger: You can automatically set up a flow to be triggered when a customer performs a particular action or exhibits a specific behavior.
  2. On Flow Exit: Connect multiple flows and set entry criteria based on when a customer exits another flow.
  3. Improved Flow Scheduling: Trigger your flows immediately, or set a start and end date for it to run. Additionally, you can limit the times a customer engages with your flow by specifying the number of times they enter it.

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Keeping Up with Android 12 Template Changes

This is an image of Android 12 template changes

Android 12 brings multiple UI and design upgrades, which change the appearance and behavior of custom notifications. MoEngage Android 12 SDK now supports Android 12 UI changes for all our push templates.

Here is what has changed for Android 12 push templates:

  • Design improvements in line with new Android 12 UI changes: Rounded edges, improved padding and white spaces, font and image scaling improvements.
  • Change of dismissal behaviors: Now you can configure a dismiss button from the dashboard instead of the cross icon for sticky notifications, creating a more user-friendly experience
  • Enhanced previews: Previews for Android 12 devices with two different types of device sizes and OEM combinations to better understand device behavior.

All templates are configurable from the dashboard with out-of-the-box configurations and previews for speedy and reliable campaign creation.

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Introducing Analyze on Segmentation

This is a gif of product updates from MoEngage

You can now instantly analyze a customer segment from the “Create segment” page. This will save you the effort of moving to the Analyze pages and creating a query from scratch. You can run different analyses: Behavior, Funnels, Retention, Session and Source, User Paths, and RFM, with just a click.

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If you’d like to know more about these features or want to get started using them, drop us a note at [email protected]. And if you’re new to MoEngage, schedule a personalized walkthrough of our platform.