52% of Europeans find delight in personalised discounts, rewards. They not only expect a deeper level of personalisation in their shopping experience but also other aspects of their journey.
Personalisation is when a brand can tailor the experience for each customer based on their interest, past behaviour and other factors unique to them. A decade ago, your consumer seeing their name on the email was a miracle. Consumers today want to purchase from brands they feel understand them. When you ask why personalisation matters, the simple answer is that your consumer wants it. The Personalisation Pulse Check for Europe 2023, shows that 27.20% of European consumers want brands to personalise based on their past purchase behaviour. 26.20% of consumers expect brands to personalise based on known interest.
Meeting these consumer expectations entails brands using intelligent engagement strategies to engage consumers consistently and keep them coming back for more.
Get personal with insights. Insights are crucial to building a personalised engagement strategy for every consumer, from the time they come to your website to the time they checkout. Begin by building a unified view of your customer, their intent, past interactionsns, where they have interacted with you most etc.These insights form the cornerstone of knowing your consumers deeply to meet their needs and even begin predicting their behaviour.
Consumers value a personalised experience; we’ve observed that the consumer personalisation expectation is clear. They want brands to meet their needs, contextualise recommendations and meet them where they are. A majority of consumers (29.60%) state they want to receive communication from brands atleast twice a week. Further more, 46.42% of consumers state that they are willing to share their personal information for a more personalised purchasing experience, while only 0.87% say they aren’t comfortable with information sharing.